Just a few pictures of the EIL#2
in Dresden (Eastern 2001):
NO´s girlfriend Christin, mentioned in the "Hmm..." Readme-File.
Spion/Escape working on his C-LAB Falcon MK-II, Richard Gorfon Faika
is supporting him by coding some Luna-plugins.
Thothy making love with his Falcon-Tower :-))
Wow! An 800XL with a Desktop case...
NO/Escape. Thank you for your great demo and the assembler
stuff you taught me :)
Three masters of the Atari-Scene at once: Richard Gordon Faika, Frank
Naumann and Norman Feske
Moondog working on the UCM #21
The guys of Paranoia working on their demo.
Where have all the Swedish guys gone...?
505/Checkpoint composing some music
Let´s vote!
I think here we are watching to some videos like Chucky.
Mo'Aco working on his Acorn-machine
505 and Mad Butcher evaluating the Missile Comand gaming-compo
Playing Whip-Pong was really great!!
"Coming soon: Falcon demo competition..."
The guys of FUN industries.
5 o'clock in the morning. Mad Butcher is still awake. Milhouse seemed
to fall asleep, while drinking his Coke ;-)
Yeah! Show me your teeth!!
Mr XY in XXL
Damn, I´m soooo tired...