Intensive Week

Vortex Physics in Atomic and Photonic Matter

Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (Germany), September 12 - 16, 2022

supported by


Superfluids are distinguished from normal fluids by their ability to support a dissipationless flow. Such persistent currents are intimately related to the existence of vortices, which are localized phase singularities with a quantized circulation around a closed contour. Thus, they represent topological excitations which have a plethora of intriguing properties. The Intensive Week at Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (Germany) provides an in-depth introduction to the vortex physics in the realm of ultracold quantum gases, which consist of atoms or photons. Pedagogical lectures provide a concise overview about various vortex phenomena. Furthermore, the participants receive insightful exercise problems, which are solved in small working groups and whose solutions are afterwards discussed in plenum. The Intensive Week is kindly supported by the Collaborative Research Center SFB/TR 185 "OSCAR": Open System Control of Atomic and Photonic Matter.

atomic states


  • James Anglin (Kaiserslautern, Germany):
    When symmetry breaks, how big are the pieces? From parsecs to microns: An introduction to Kibble-Zurek phenomena

  • Vanderlei Bagnato (São Carlos, Brazil):
    Experiments of quantum turbulence in trapped atomic superfluid

  • Antun Balaž (Belgrade, Serbia):
    Numerical simulation of vortices
    Abstract and Slides

  • Thomas Bland (Innsbruck, Austria):
    Vortices in dipolar condensates
    Abstract and Slides

  • Lauriane Chomaz (Heidelberg, Germany):
    Vortices in two-dimensional quantum gases - an experimental review
    Abstract and Slides and Solutions

  • Alexander Fetter (Stanford, USA):
    Superfluid vortex dynamics (online)
    Abstract and Slides

  • Andrea Richaud (Trieste, Italy):
    Dynamics of massive point vortices in a binary mixture of Bose-Einstein condensates

  • Carlos Sá de Melo (Atlanta, USA):
    The BKT transition and the evolution from BCS to Bose superfuidity in two-dimensions (online)

  • Michiel Wouters (Antwerpen, Belgium):
    Vortices in nonequilibrium condensates
    Abstract and Slides

  • Program


    The scientific program is available here. The Intensive Week will last from Monday, September 12, 2022 at 9.00 until Friday, September 16 at 15.00.




    The poster announcement is available here.




    The Intensive Week takes place in the Conference Room of the Laboratory for Advanced Spin Engineering (LASE),
    Erwin Schrödinger Straße 76,
    67663 Kaiserslautern.





    Both students and researchers are encouraged to attend the Intensive Week. However, financial support is exclusively restricted to the invited speakers. If you are interested in participating, please send an email until the application deadline August 31, 2022 to axel.pelster ad for further information.


    Group Photo



    Scientific Organizer

    Axel Pelster
    Department of Physics
    Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
    67663 Kaiserslautern
    axel.pelster ad   
    phone: 0049-631-205-2270
    fax: 0049-631-205-3907